Meet former trainees

Hedda Lundqvist, Program Manager Sky High

Image of Hedda Lundqvist
Tell us a bit about who Hedda is:
My name is Hedda Lundqvist and I have a degree in engineering physics and work as a manager for one of our sales departments at the Karlskrona factory. In my team there are eight Commercial and Tender managers who are project managers in the sales phase and we sell both cables and the installation of these. 
I really like the combination of a very technical company with a unique product and a lot of international customer contacts. On a daily basis I come across and discuss about both tricky contract questions, optimized cable designs and offshore installation possibilities.
What is the main advantages of the NKT Trainee program?
The main advantage is that you get a broad overview of the company and get to know a lot of people and their different perspectives in a fast way. I also got very good job training from colleagues and formal training courses quickly after I started. When I started the trainee program we were a few newly graduated engineers who started on the same day, so we became a close knit group and had a lot of fun together.
What opportunities did the trainee program enable? What did your career look like after the trainee program?
For me the trainee program helped me to get to know the company very fast and to see how my work fitted in the company.  I met a lot of interesting and inspiring people and could see which jobs where available in the short and long term for a person with my background and interests.
The possibility to go abroad was also a highlight for me since I wanted to work in an international environment.
I got to try a few different positions and ended up in sales and after a few years as a Commercial & Tender manager I got the opportunity to be the manager of one of the sales departments.

Erik Eriksson, Senior Engineer

Image of Erik Eriksson, Senior Engineer
Tell us a bit about who you are:
My name is Erik Eriksson and my journey started at NKT in 2008 NKT after completing a Master of Science in Engineering Physics at Umeå University. I have a strong passion in working close to technology in large projects in an international environment and NKT has been a great match in this context.
I have during my time at NKT had the opportunity to try different roles including specialization within multiphysics, project management and management of technical teams.
What is the main advantages of the NKT Trainee program?
The trainee program gave me an extensive understanding of NKT in an “end to end” perspective, mainly by rotations at different functions in the company. The trainings integrated to the program was also highly appreciated and was focusing on leadership, project management and effective presentation techniques. The last part of the program included an international rotation in the US which also gave a good insight on our abroad operation. Last but not the least, the program gave me many new friends and provided me with a strong network which has been shown to be valuable many times during my time at NKT.
What opportunities did the trainee program enable? What did your career look like after the trainee program?
For me it has been an advantage with the strong network established during the program and the opportunity to build a broad  understanding of the company in such a short time. My interest upon completion of the program was on technical specialization and I did therefore devote my first years focusing on multiphysics problem solving. After that I was offered a position as technical project manager for one of our large delivery projects and I realized that driving large technical projects was very motivating and encouraging, in particular when results were generated by a strong team work. After that I had the role as Tender Engineering Manager followed by a role as R&D Manager in Karlskrona.

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