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E-​AY2Y 0,6/1 kV

Installation cables with Al conductor

CYKYz 450/750 V

Cu core cable for outdoor conduits suspended on supports.


Wiring cables with PVC insulation

NKT instal PLUS CYKYLo 450/750 V

Installation multi-cores cables

NKT instal CYKYLo 450/750 V

Installation cable designed for fixed installation in indoor and outdoor areas, in the ground, in concrete. The cable is UV-resistant and is intended for installation in locations where Dca classification according to CPR EN 50575 is required.

AY 450/750 V

Interconnecting single-core conductor designed for fixed installation in wiring pipes, for connection in switchboards and not intended for ground placement.

NFA2X 0,6/1 kV

Self-supporting cable for use in three-phase AC mains with effectively grounded center. In-air mounting for overhead lines for hanging on columns and so on.


The cable is designed to be used in three-phase alternating networks with efficient earthing of the centre. Installation in the air for overhead lines suspended on poles etc.


Halogenfree flame resistant cables with system integrity 90 min. and circuit integrity 90 min.

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