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With expected resource base of 2.7 billion barrels of oil equivalents, Johan Sverdrup is one of the most important industrial projects in Norway in the next 50 years. Peak production is estimated to be 660,000 barrels of oil per day.
Sveriges näst största stad, Göteborg, behövde modernisera sitt kraftnät och byta ut uttjänta kablar. Som en del av uppgraderingsprojektet med NKT i början av 2020, ersattes 94 kilometer första generationens PEX-kablar med nya NKT-kablar.
Holmriis i Ebeltoft er begyndt at anvende Qable box i sine servicebiler. Det betyder bedre totaløkonomi ved anvendelsen af kabler og ledninger.
The Nordergründe wind farm, located in the North Sea off the coast of Germany, is part of Energiewende, the German government´s strategy to increase the share of renewable energy in the national energy mix.
Covering a total of 623 kilometers, NordLink is an HVDC (high-voltage direct current) transmission link which will increase energy security in both countries, Norway and Germany.
The Goliat oil and gas field, 105 km off the Northern coast of Norway, was discovered in 2000 and is operated by Eni Norge. The production of oil and gas from a FPSO (floating, production, storage and offloading) platform started in 2016.
NKT toimittaa 110 kV -kaapelit maatuulivoimalaan Suomessa
NKT-kabel skapar större möjligheter för omställning
Castellum bygger ny kontorsbyggnad med certifiering enligt NollCO2
NKT-kabel elförsörjer hållbart datacenter
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