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An extensive range of 1kV cables, manufactured to meet all recognised standards.
Halogenfree flame-retardand cables with Cu conductor, steel wire armoured
Halogenfree flame-retardand cables with Cu conductor
Halogenfree flame resistant cables with system integrity 60 min. and circuit integrity 90 min.
Halogenfree flame resistant cables with system integrity 90 min. and circuit integrity 90 min.
Screened safety flame-retardant cables and wires
Halogen-free flame retardant cables with copper conductor and cross-linked halogen-free insulation
Screened HFFR cables with system integrity 90 min. and circuit integrity
HFFR cables with system integrity 60 min. and circuit integrity
HFFR cables with system integrity 90 min. and circuit integrity
Cu core cable for fixed installation in indoor and outdoor areas, in the ground, in concrete, on supporting structures and...
Cu core and concentric conductor cable for indoor and outdoor installation, in ground, in concrete.
Cu core cable for fixed installation in indoor and outdoor areas, in the ground, in concrete.
4-conductor supply cable with sector-shaped twisted aluminum conductors. Halogen free.
Cables according to this standard are halogen-free and flame-retardant. In the event of a fire, only smoke free from corrosive...
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