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For easier, faster and safer jobs
Connecting wires with FEP insulation – high temperature resistance; 200 °C. Delivered exclusively by NKT.
Frost-resistant single core cable designed for fixed distribution in machines and equipment with lower application temperatures...
Flexible cable designed for supply to machines and equipment, for interconnection in or between machines and equipment, ...
Single-core interconnecting conductor with increased flexibility with construction allowing easy repeatable movement. This feature can be successfully used especially for mobile el. sensors, measuring leads, etc.
Single core cable for fixed installations in switchboards, pipes or similar closed systems.
Heat-resistant single-core interconnections wires. Delivered exclusively by NKT.
Multiwire, installation cables with PVC insulation
Husinstallasjonskabel til fast opplegg innen- og utendørs.
Halogen-free flex pipes with wires are used for both visible and hidden installation. Can be embedded in concrete, but not...
Asennuskaapeli kuparijohtimella.
MMJ soveltuu asennettavaksi kiinteästi sisään ja ulos, pinta- tai uppoasennukseen. Ei sovellu asennettavaksi suoraan maahan...
Cables according to this standard are intended for permanent installation, as well in pipes. The cables can be installedindoors...
This cable is halogen free and fire resistant. For Fixed installations indoors and outdoors. The cable is suitable for exit...
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