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Onshore Installation

In the most challenging environments

We have extensive experience in performing successful, underground installations. We provide our comprehensive expertise to underground cable installations for various industries and conditions. Our in-house capability offers all the engineering work needed for a turnkey installation, such as route assessment, project planning and QHSE.
HV Onshore project - Viking Link
We put a great deal of effort into offering a complete scope of supply, including cable system design, engineering, project execution, onshore installation and testing.

Installation of all cable types

Our long experience covers all cable installation types, from legacy low-pressure oil-filled cables (LPOF) to modern extrude (XLPE) cable systems. By working in an integrated way with all areas of expertise, we ensure reliable execution and cable-handling for a sustainable power link.
High voltage onshore cable installation
High voltage onshore cable installation in tunnel
Cable installer pulling high voltage onshore cable from drum
Cable worker pulling high voltage onshore cable from drum

Example of scope of supply:

  • QHSE
  • Civil works
  • Vertical installations in shafts
  • Installations in tunnels, ducts or open trenches
  • Directional drilling
  • Route planning
  • Calculation of tensile forces
  • Equipment for cable pulling
  • Jointing

Installation in all environments

A cable route sometimes requires crossing natural features, sensitive or densely populated areas. This requires special measurements to ensure that the people, animals and the natural environment are protected at all times. We have been working actively with high HSE standards for several decades, successfully completing installations in the outback of Australia, the bogs of Scotland, nature parks of Germany and in busy London.

Success in Challenging Environments

Offshore Installation

We provide solutions whatever the requirements. With all the right equipment for reliable and cost-efficient solutions, supported by unrivalled expertise in high voltage AC and DC cable installations.

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Fair, sustainable - and accountable
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  • Image of Endorser Logo
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